shadow on the wall mike olfield
owner of a lonely heart yes
i want to know what love is foreigner
major tom peter schilling
dolannes melodie jean claude borelly
a different corner george michael
bizarre love triangle new order
don't answer me alan parsons project
a berlino.. va bene garbo
come back and stay paul young
crazy seal
luna gianni togni
dolce vita ryan paris
p: machinery propaganda
too shy kajagoogoo
stripped depeche mode
everything counts depeche mode
policy of thruth depeche mode
state of nation industry
tu umberto tozzi
isone beach  
le tre campane pista la valascia
drive the cars
kayleigh marillion
feels like heaven fiction factory
hold me now thompson twins
what is love howard jones
i know there's something going on frida
dance hall days wang chung
broken wings mr. mister
non succederà piu'  mori & celentano